Wednesday, April 18, 2007

RADIO #1 : Sneaky and Dangerous

  1. Yacht - See A Penny (Pick It Up)
  2. Bent - Moonbeams
  3. skeletons - HEY LISTEN UP
  4. Desormais - Hell'n Ohio
  5. The Go Find - Ice Cold Ice
  6. Portishead - Numb
  7. Stunt Rock - I'm Sorry I Couldn't Be The Person You Needed, I Mean It.
  8. Kazumasa Hashimoto - Eama Gene
  9. J + J + J - A "Juh" Sound to Greet You
  10. Piano Overload - Agorophobia
  11. Out Hud - Dad there's a little phrase called too much information.
  12. Emotional Joystick - Eight
  13. guitar - sunday afternoon at tamagawa river
  14. The Go Find - Dictionary
  15. Mouse on Mars - Space Ship
  16. Vanilla Ice - Ninja Rap
  17. Yppah - I'll Hit the Brakes
  18. Pilchard - It's a Con
  19. Emotional Joystick - Next Time
  20. Stunt Rock - We'll See What's So Funny When I'm Fucking Dead.
  21. Textual - Hachioji Capsule Hotel
  22. Delta 5 - Mind Your Own Business
  23. MAKE-UP - Watch It With That Thing
  24. The Smiths - Handsome Devil
  25. Dimlite - Poor Fire
  26. Christ. - Making a Snow Angel
  27. Air - How Does It Make You Feel

* plus any spontaneous extras i find

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